It has been so long since I have been to the farm, the longest ever I think between visits. I have allowed too many things to get in the way and I always say that I will change this but reality is that life gets busy, your children play sport, you have friends you want to see, we have travelled and pottered around at home but then I get a yearning for that place and it felt so good to wake up there and take a coffee out into that fresh crisp sunshine and watch my little ones jump on the trampoline, and Russell bound around like the puppy he still is, and to sit and watch the magpie family who have been here as long as we have, it was truly the best coffee I have had in a long time.
I think the girls all felt the same. Daryl gets up here when there is work to be done, but the girls have never seemed so pleased to be here either which made me so happy as I dread that day when they protest about going to the farm ( sign that they are growing up and we all know how I feel about that process!). But I am home now, sitting at the computer on cup day morning, a day of planting veggies in my suburban garden ahead of me, I feel like I have had my fix, but could happily drive back there tomorrrow and go for a bigger walk, prune a few tips off that apple tree, and of course, spend many more hours just doing my favorite thing, sitting and knitting on the front porch.
I have posted quite a few photos and they always feel like they are in the wrong order so I will start by explaining the little painting. As always the farm also involves a trip to Savers ( My girls love OP shopping nearly as much as I do, and as we neared the end of our visit, and everyone had there own little treasure ( piece of crap that I will be chucking out when they are doing something else), I had one last little fossick through the old frames and what should I find but this little water colour print of the Mission in Santa Barbara! Now that is an OP shop find!
So, to sum up our weekend.....
A buriel for our wee little ratties ( yes they have been in our freezer all this time!)
Relaxing under a shady tree
Losing a big front tooth, how cute does our Tobie look.
Teenage girls doing jobs ( maybe about to run over a bike)
The blossom I thought I had missed
Tea breaks
Oranges from our tree, squeezed into a big sticky mess that I freak over because I hate oranges!
Little fairies in trees
Exhausted Russell on his favorite couch ( boy those rabbits are fast)
Concerts on the back porch
Running through the sprinklers
Happy kids, who could ask for more than that.