Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Baking and Sewing? Am I kidding?

And blogging? No, truth be told I'm burning, going back and forth to the sewing machine shop for the 'unlimited hours of help " that came with my new Janome. "Open that door Gwen I know you're in there! My problem is that when Daryl travels I tend to go overboard with activities to "busy" myself. Sorry, five kids not enough I hear you say? Well, I have some time alone when Hazel is at kinder so I set myself the task of making Ailee and Lucinda a quilt. Each. As you can see it all looks very industrious, and maybe a little staged, the reality is I'm getting nowhere and while I sit here typing the Anzac biscuits are turning to charcoal in the oven. How burnt is too burnt? Black teeth maybe? Sitting and knitting, that would have been a much better use of the little bit of time I had.
A blog I love to follow is Soulemama. One post ( or maybe two), were dedicated to the art of sitting and knitting ( the guilt free version). Sitting and knitting as the household whirls around you rather than my usual thing being the opposite, me whirling and never sitting. Busying myself on the periphery of my family is not very satisfying. Sitting and knitting, the girls coming over for a snuggle or to read to me, I know this lovely state of things never lasts very long, there is always something to get up and do but those moments are so lovely if I would just take more time for them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, Stacey! Love the updates. ~ Leslie C.
